My love for the Helen’s Closet Blackwood cardigan is being extended to her Elliot Sweater pattern too.
VIEW POSTFabric : Fibre : Family
My love for the Helen’s Closet Blackwood cardigan is being extended to her Elliot Sweater pattern too.
VIEW POSTBefore I start talking about Confetti and V9008, I just wanted to have a bit of a ramble about style and sewing and shopping. If that’s of no interest, then please just scroll down to the pictures and the reviews. I won’t be offended.
Sometimes I find it really useful to park thoughts and ideas here. Mainly for me, but also because you never know who might be having the same stuff rattling around in their noggin.
My sewing is so hit and miss at the moment. The difference between the Crystal Cove and Ogden Camis in recent posts only serves to highlight that.
I’ve been pondering on this topic this week. I think there are a couple of factors at play. Grab a cuppa, I have thoughts!
The Helen’s Closet Blackwood cardigan is a staple in my wardrobe, and paired with a new Ogden Cami, I’ve got the perfect outfit for coffee dates with friends….although we’re back in local lockdown next week which isn’t encouraging.
VIEW POST2020 is the year that just keeps on giving!
Not long after my last post I slipped on a wet floor and took a nasty fall. I broke a big toe and have done something quite unpleasant to my knee. I was in bed for several days, followed by time on crutches. It’s only this week that I’ve been able to get an actual shoe onto my foot. The toe is still buddy taped and the knee is still strapped, and I may need surgery.
But today…..I can wear a shoe and take blog photos. And the sun is shining. So let’s go for it!
VIEW POSTIt’s been a minute since my last post. Just as we thought 2020 couldn’t get any worse…..it did.
Dave had a cardiac event (high blood pressure causing heart attack symptoms) a few weeks ago. I’m recovering from a bout of labyrinthitis. Thankfully we’re both on the mend, though I’ll admit its been tough recently.
I don’t know about you but I’ve found it hard to come into this space recently. I’ve been on Insta a bit, but have struggled to find words to do justice to everything that is happening in, and to, the world.
Other people have been far more eloquent than I. Suffice to say that I’ve been sitting with significant discomfort and distress, and working to educate myself and my family to enable us to be actively anti-racist going forwards. We hadn’t been doing enough. We are changing that.
VIEW POSTOoh that’s a catchy title. But these two garments are my new favourite lockdown loungewear combo for cooler days.
Having had a missing sewjo for most of the early part of this year, lockdown has me back in the sewing room. Sewing up masks for my immediate family got me back at the machine and it went from there.
I recently made a Tessuti Monroe Turtleneck for myself from some French terry that was in deep stash. The fabric was a mispurchase years ago and has been languishing. I thought it would make a wearable muslin of this pattern, but I was wrong. It was a travesty. The fabric didn’t work for the pattern, too rigid, and it looked awful.
It’s strange days, my lovelies. I hope you’re all staying in if you can and staying safe regardless.
We are on lockdown here Chez Jones. Dave is working at home. The kids have online schoolwork. We’re not doing masses of it, with school’s blessing, but we have what we need. They also have enough Lego to build a nuclear bunker, books to stock a small shop and are showing an interest in learning calligraphy.
I think you can say we’re going to be fine. We have much to be grateful for.
Although I don’t mind admitting that I’m equal parts heartbroken and humbled by humanity at the moment. There has been a definite split in the behaviour of people up to this point. I’m not on the side of the self-centred hoarders of pasta and loo rolls.
Thankfully, before all this malarky started, I was able to attend my second furniture painting workshop. For this one we were looking at layering stamps and transfers.
We arrived to find that the store owner, Amanda, had prepared some colour blended boards for us. Therefore, our first task was the fun one of choosing our stamps.