You might think that the title of this post slipped by the spellchecker, but no! These latest socks are knitted in Regia Pairfect yarn, which was a Christmas gift from my lovely friend Linda.
She knows what I like!
After the travesty that was the poor Herriot Socks, these were an absolute joy to knit. The yarn is robust but not harsh and a good stripe always makes me knit faster.
“Just one more stripe!”
The yarn is actually designed to give perfectly matched stripes on toe up sock patterns, but these are my trusty Regia sock pattern, which is top down. I just knitted some blue for the cuff, pulled the yarn through until I hit the stripes, rejoined and knit until I came back to the blue. There were a couple of more ends to stitch in at the end, but I’m happy to do that.
You could of course knit these top down and have striped feet, but The Hubby’s preference was for stripy legs and I was happy to oblige.
Although I have another pair of socks on the needles at the moment (of course), I promise the next finished project will be something different.
Tialys says
I love these – the colours are gorgeous.
Pendle Stitches says
The colours ARE gorgeous! I want to knit them again.
Kim Hood says
I love knitting toe up socks so I will look out for this yarn. Your socks do look absolutely ‘pairfect’ even going from the other direction!
Pendle Stitches says
I’ve never tried toe up socks, but you’ll love this yarn. The pairfection is all down to the yarn!
Chica Andaluza says
Lovely! Have never knitted toe up socks as I now always use your Regia pattern!
Pendle Stitches says
I only ever use the Regia pattern. One day I’ll knit something else, but this is the perfect portable knitting project.