Well, it’s been a minute since I’ve been in this space. Or even picked up much in the way of a pattern, yarn or fabric. It feels good to be back, although I wasn’t sure I ever would. The last 16 or so months have been…….interesting.
There’s been a lot going on in all aspects of life, but we’re the other side of 90% of it now and life is good. But also very busy with a new business in the pipeline, teenagers, home, and just life in general.
With all this going on there hasn’t been much making going on. Even the decorating in the hallway isn’t finished and we started that before the Covid pandemic! The few things I knitted have mostly been frogged, and sewing has been sadly missing from my life.
However, I thought I’d take this opportunity to document everything I made since we last spoke, which won’t take long, and then hopefully there’ll be new stuff coming through so that I don’t go into crafty hibernation again. I miss making. I’m itching to sew. I even have new fabric as well as some remaining stash, so time to crack on.
The Aurelis Sweater by Jennifer Steingass at Knit.Love.Wool. What a joy this sweater is, both to knit and to wear. It was my first time with one of Jennifer’s patterns and I would happily knit all of her designs. Such beautifully written and easy to follow instructions.
This is knit in Erica Knights British Blue 100. The main colour is 603, with 607 in the contrast and I love this yarn. It’s warm and cosy and you can walk the dog without a coat unless its the most bitterly cold day, or raining! I knit this sweater, lost weight, undid it, knit it too long, pulled it back again, and it still looked like new yarn. It doesn’t pill horribly, and if you do get a few, it comes up good as new with a few swipes of the trusty yarn shaver!

My only other successful big knit of the year was this second iteration of the Confetti Sweater by Veera Välimäki. This is knit in West Yorkshire Spinners Exquisite 4 ply which some generous friends bought me as a birthday gift.
This is one of those patterns that I could knit time and again. Veera also writes patterns that are idiot proof, and I wore my first Confetti to shreds. Highly recommend this pattern. It would also make an excellent base for fiddling with stitch patterns to get a different look. As written, this pattern has more swing. I took some of the increases out to make it less so, but which ones, I can’t recall.

I knit a bunch of socks that with the exception of the brown/cream speckled one, were knit using my basic Regia pattern, and various unknown yarns. The last pattern, with the garter stitch panel, is Tin Can Knits Rye Light . It’s a perfect pattern, for a massive range of sizes, beginner friendly and free. Swear

The yarn for these socks was sent to me by Kristin , who has the most exquisite taste in everything, especially yarn! This is a stunning yarn from Sonder Yarn Company. There is enough in my stash for a second pair. It’s the most saturated colour and the softest yarn, yet it’s robust enough for toasty socks.

And this is Coop Knits, bought at the same Yarndale as the British Blue above. The pattern is from her book Socks Yeah. They are so warm on a cold day. And such pretty colours.
A solitary hat
Last up a hat, blocked to a jaunty beret shape. We shall see in the winter whether that remains the case.
This is the cover hat from Milarrochy Heids, in the original colourway which the kids bought me as a kit years ago. Tom’s photography does the colours better justice than mine.
I have another kit in the cupboard. There will be enough yarn for ordinating mitts!

The Cricut got some use…this is but a sample of t-shirts made for CrossFit comps, birthdays, and a Christmas Sweater for a Stranger Things fan. Dave has one two in reversed colours. I love that I can just plug in, cut the vinyl and make something fabulous for friends and family!
I made a Mave skirt in Ray Stitch European Linen in Persimmon. Sadly, I haven’t photographed it. I’m wearing it today with a black t-shirt and cardigan and trainers. It’s the most beautiful skirt and so comfy. I’m not a big fan of skirts, but I am a fan of this one. The proportions are perfect. The pockets are perfect. It’s the skirt equivalent of pyjamas. If you haven’t made this….go do so. You won’t regret it!
Bonus points if you make it in European Linen. This is the stuff of dreams. I also have trousers in it. They are also perfect. If budget allows…get some. Mine was a Christmas gift from my in-laws. I’ll be wearing it for years to come!

Last, but by no means least, was this stunning Elodie by Closet Core Patterns in the lightest of viscose challis lawns by Lady McElroy. I made this for my friends, Hannah and Mehdi’s, wedding and it was such a warm day but with a breeze. This dress was made for heat because it’s so light, and the breeze made it flutter so prettily.
Although at this point I was really struggling with my health, and feeling quite heavy, I also felt gorgeous in this dress, and love the pattern. This dress garnered so many compliments on the day, and the pattern hides any creases so you look fresh from arriving at the venue, to pouring your gin giggly self into a taxi at night.
The one that got away – for now
The last big thing I knit was this gorgeous jacket in Adventure. It is squooshy, and floofy and so cosy. I also knit it possibly two sizes too big and have to frog it, which I really don’t want to do. So it’s sat in the naughty corner awaiting a flurry of energy, or for someone to pay for the wool who is up a size or two from me I!
Phew! It feels good to get this all documented. Not the most productive year creatively, but the stuff that made it through is wonderful. And all of it very much me, and all worn on a regular basis (except the Elodie, and I might shorten her so she’s more a daily wear kinda gal. That fabric is too pretty for just high days and holidays (and weddings).
So, hopefully I’ll be back soon with a new make. You’ll have maybe seen a snippet over on instagram of a green and white ditsy print I’m sewing at the moment. I’m trying out two new patterns, and I’m making a shorts co-ord in the hope that the rain stops and we have a few more hot days before the summer is out.
Now, I just have to remember how to actually sew!