So! I recently finished two pairs of socks for the Hubby knitted from blue and plum coloured Juniper Moon Herriot Fine. I don’t mind admitting that I’ve never been so glad to see the back of a project as I was these.
The yarn, as you’d guess from the name, is a lightweight fingering. It’s also fluffy. And I didn’t like the plum colour at all! It’s fair to say that I didn’t enjoy one single stitch of these socks.
Except perhaps for the last stitch of the grafting of the toes. I definitely enjoyed that one!
But he was happy and that’s why I knit him socks. And to be fair to the yarn, the problems I had with it were down to personal preference. It’s beautifully spun, the colours are soft and heathery, and, I’m told, they are supremely comfortable to wear. The skeins are generous at 461 yards/100g.
It’s also a hand wash alpaca blend.
You know what’s coming don’t you.
Yep….hand wash alpaca blends do not take kindly to the hand wash programme in your washing machine.
Which isn’t exactly what I said when I took them out of said machine!
I’m not entirely sure why the plum shrank more than the blue. Possibly to do with the dye?!
Total user error. Thankfully they are just about still wearable! And there are more pairs to come. Just not in the Herriot yarn 😉
Eek…it’s so unfair when they shrink in the wash. They are beautiful colours though. Shame about the yarn. I used your sock pattern with some thicker grey wool I had to make bed socks and it was a horrible experience. The yarn just scraped and dragged on my beautiful bamboo needles…nasty. But then I made another pair with decent wool and the joy of sock knitting returned ☺
Yarn makes all the difference, for sure. I’ve just finished a lovely stripy pair for him and they were a delight! I want to knit that yarn in All The Colours.
Oh, what a shame! I suppose there’s something to be said for the stuff called ‘sock yarn’ after all. You could always put them in the washing machine again on ‘normal’ and felt them down to fit one of the kids 😉
Hahaha! The kids would love that. Miss B is pestering for her own socks. 😀
They look amazing. Nothing better than a simple comfy sock K xXx
I love this pattern. It’s great for a portable project and lets the yarn speak for itself.