Button has, until recently, been a neglectful mother to her baby dollies. The poor things have been dragged around the house by their ankles, butt naked and bedraggled. A favourite game has been to swing baby dolly by ankle and wrist, higher and higher, finally letting go at the apex of the swing, allowing baby dolly to swoop high and fast into the bedroom wall.
It’s a good job I have social services on speed dial!
Recently, however, there has been a change and, thankfully, she’s starting to dress the poor shivering souls, and even create little beds from blankets in which to tuck them up at night.
It seemed only right, therefore, that she should get a dolly bed for her birthday.
I knew she’d be thrilled with the bed, but the sheet and pillow that came with it were nothing short of pitiful. I knew that poor baby dolly really needed a beautiful quilt and pillow so she’d be comfy and warm in her new bed.
I also realised that I’m now officially certifiable.
Having recognised that, I snaffled a bag of scraps left over from the Hello Kitty quilt top from Ma, and set to. Not only would baby dolly have a lovely cosy quilt, it would match the quilt we’re making for Button when we redo her bedroom this year.
Which tips me into the territory of completely cray-cray!
Thankfully, this isn’t really news to anyone. And baby dolly now has a lovely cosy bed, and Button is finally a fit mother!
The only problem now is that Button has commandeered a basket from my sewing room to use as a Moses basket for a second baby dolly. Baby dolly is currently swaddled in a blanket….
What beautiful fabrics you used! So soft and delicate. This little quilt and pillow are just beautiful!
Thank you. I have to admit that I’m every so slightly in love with them.
you embroidered kitty? looks amazing! i keep meaning to make a quilt for n but not got around to it yet!
The embroidered kitty was already done…a spare square from the ones I made for the quilt top. Button’s quilt isn’t finished yet. But then, we’re a while off redecorating her bedroom so we have time yet! 😉
Button sounds like my type of girl, I hated dolls, but I loved babies, lol
Our neighbour is due in two weeks with her third girl. I’m going to have a hard time keeping Button out of there…she loves babies!
Button is just fabulous! But so is her Mummy. Such a gorgeous set!
Thank you so much. She’s a little star!
That is such a wonderful gift. Lucky Button!
Thank you. I’m so relieved that she really likes it. Phew!
Glad you are passing on your mothering skills as well as your drafty ones!
Oh so funny – I meant to type “crafty” but I think “drafty” is better 😉
I swear I was in tears with this. Especially as The Boy is the king of wind. He’s in training for the Olympic burping team. I hasn’t to add he doesn’t get that from me!
It’s a boy thing….. 😉
For sure!
I want to be that doll! And you are certifiable 🙂
Me too! And I know! 😉
A mother’s work is never done! What lovely gifts – Button is a very lucky little lady!
The upside is that it will require a visit to the quilt fabric shop as we’re pretty much out of scraps! Oh, the hardship!
Now that is love Evie and the dolly will never be cold of an evening again. You are certainly a lovely (cray cray) mama :). You know, my two have a draw full of dolls (I don’t want to count them) all of which are also butt naked regardless of the other draw full of lovely (and some not so lovely) little outfits and blankies. Would you like them?!!
Just too cute and thoughtful! I am really speechless. I can’t wait to see her face when she also gets her matching Hello Kitty quilt!
It is very cute…such a teeny tiny quilt. I need her to stop trashing her room so I can then decorate it and she can have her quilt. She’s such a tomboy…