edited to link to Make it Wear It over at The Train to Crazy
Sewing has ground to a halt here…we’re having a lovely family weekend and the sewing loft is the last place I want to be just now. I will get those red shorts whipped up soon though!
However, another day, another new outfit for Button.
I LOVE this outfit. Comfy, cosy, practical, cute. Both of these garments are an age 5, and she’s petite enough that she’ll get some wear out of them, but they’re not completely swamping her.
We found the cute spotty shoes just by chance on Friday evening. I couldn’t resist!
They’re just the ticket to round off this outfit.
OH MY GOSH!!! I love this look – way to go! She looks so pretty in this!!!
Thank you…I want a grown up version!
She looks chuffed to bits! The socks are perfect too, with the blue trim
The fact that the ribbon on the shorts matches the trim on the socks is her favourite bit! Oh she’s easily pleased. 😉
The outfit is really great, perfect really. I love her cheeks! I wouldn’t be able to say no to anything she asks 😉
I do pity her boyfriends in the future…she’ll have the poor souls wrapped around her finger.
Oh my that’s right she’s five already. Lord I can’t keep up. Cute little button she is too in her new threads. What a lovely mummy she has …
It’s terrifying how quickly they grow up. The Boy starts school in September…how did that happen?
I think I’m the lucky one that she loves me making for her!
Really? September? Oh my. What a thought. How excited is he? And will he be at the same school as Button?
He’s beyond excited. He tries to stay at school every morning, even though he loves the nursery he goes to 3 times a week. We had the confirmation through last week from the local authority that he’ll be in the same school, although we’d had earlier verbal confirmation from the head mistress. We are thrilled. It’s an amazing school.
It really is such an important thing, starting school, and hooray to getting into the same one as Button. Phew! We agonised about which of the three local schools to enrol in …. Just think how hard its going to be for the next school up! But that’s years away ….
We had a choice of 4 schools but this one is far and away the best of them. I went to the open evening and didn’t even bother looking at the others. I knew it was better on paper but fell in love with it straight away. We are also really lucky because it’s a feeder school for a local high school, which also has an excellent reputation. We are very, very lucky!
What precious photos! And of course the outfit is super cute on her.
She looks too grown up in these photos. 🙁 But I do love the outfit!
She is really much too cute.
I know…and so does she!!!!!!!
Oh Evie, this is cool! I love the outfits (also refers to your ruffle top) you sewed during KCW. The colors and your fabrics choice are beautiful!
Thank you so much. I’m a bit behind with the final outfit but that is coming too, and it might just be my favourite to date!