My darling girl,
I cannot believe that you are six already. The time has flown since you came home and made me the proudest, happiest mummy in the world.
Because you are only six (I’m trying to convince myself that you’re not growing up far to fast, despite all evidence to the contrary) you cannot know the joy you bring to Daddy and me, and to your grandparents. We all love you beyond known words.
Every day you amaze me in some way. You are kind and funny. Bold and brave. Smart and beautiful. And sometimes you find my last nerve and stamp it into the ground.
I love you for all these things.
I love how you are so gentle with babies and animals.
I love your immoveable sense of justice.
I love the smell of your hair and the feel of your tiny hand patting my back whilst you bear hug me.
I love your tuneless singing and how you dance with abandon.
I love your eclectic fashion sense.
I love how you go to school clean and smart and come home looking like an extra from St Trinian’s.
I love how the whole world is an adventure to you, and you never, ever shy away from it…even when you’re scaring the pants off me (climbing walls are a prime example!)
I love you in a million different ways for a million different things.
I love you, my adorable girl. Happy birthday.
sewlittletime says
aaaw this is gorgeous. happy birthday button!
PendleStitches says
Thank you!
She is pretty cool. I’m a lucky mummy.
K-Line says
Oh, now I’m crying…
PendleStitches says
Ah..she makes me cry all the time! 😉
Chica Andaluza says
Tears from me too….you are a lucky, wonderful family!
PendleStitches says
We are very lucky…they are amazing kids.
Solange says
Happy birthday love!
PendleStitches says
Thank you from Button.
Anne W says
naaaw, too cute! happy birthday little lady!
PendleStitches says
She is! And thank you.
KC says
Happy Birthday, Button! I’ve loved watching you grow up from afar.
PendleStitches says
Thank you! I do wish she’d stop this growing up malarkey!
Vicki Kate says
Happy Birthday, beautiful Button.
PendleStitches says
Thank you 😀
aearthr says
Your daughter is so adorable! Wish her a Happy birthday!
PendleStitches says
Thank you…I shall.
Andrea says
Gah. I must confess this brought tears to my eyes. Happy Birthday Button!
PendleStitches says
Thank you! She’s a poppet (when she’s not being a holy terror!)
Gail says
I’m crying too! Happy birthday, Button!
PendleStitches says
Awwww…thank you.
Melizza says
My eyes are so watery! Hope she had a a lovely birthday!
PendleStitches says
She had a wonderful day…thank you.