After spending so much time last year building a beautiful sewing room, clearing down my stash and cataloguing the remaining fabric, this year is all about Getting Things Done!
I have a pile of beautiful fabric, a smaller collection of beautiful yarn, and a surprising number of more crafty projects, all waiting to be turned into finished items.
This year I’d like to get at least 50% of stuff in my stash turned into garments, gifts or beautiful things for the home.
To do that I need to be a bit more organised, or it’s all going to be far too overwhelming. And I do love a good plan!
The first thing I did was download the lovely, and free, Sewing Calendar from Sew DIY.
I’m sure you’ve already come across these planning pages, but if you haven’t, they’re just the prettiest, and simplest way, to get some order for your sewing plans for the coming year.
These have been cut out and pasted into my sewing notebook…a cheap, spiral bound artists sketchbook. The thicker paper means you reduce the risk of bleed through if using coloured pens, and you can sketch, make notes and add swatches to your hearts content, without the restrictions of someone else’s ideas of what you need to note.
Next I made a list of outstanding knitting/crochet/craft plans.
It’s longer than I’d expected.
I’ve already added the current UFO, plus the dance wear that’s needed by the 18th March to the planner.
Next up….sheep.
I’ve had a tapestry cushion on the frame for forever now. I’ve had the kit for at least a year….possibly even 2? That’s not good. Last year I only completed two squares.
Sheep are herd animals.
These lovely ladies don’t even stand next to each other. I’m sure they’re lonely. I need to crack on.
So every month this year I shall complete 1 square of the sheep tapestry, so that by the end of the year this one will be ready to turn into a cushion for my snuggler! Already this month I’m half way through the third sheepy square!
So…it’s a start.
It would be way too ambitious to think I’ll get the whole of the stash cleared this year, but it would be really nice to halve it.
This month is time pressured as I’d like knitted mice and a crocheted pug for Easter gifts. I also need to sew a new dance shirt for the wee boy and a dance outfit for me, as I’ve been roped into a dance competition!!!
Wish me luck!?
Oh good luck indeed, and what a great idea to make a plan. Have finally got my sewing mojo back and made a lined xape/coat last month, just finishing a top this week. Am intrigued by the Monroe/Marilyn notation….?!
I have no sewing mojo at the moment, so I’m hoping this will kickstart it.
I suspect I’m slightly mad trying to knit 2 tiny mice and their outfits, and crochet a pug, all by Easter!
Can’t wait to see the cape!
Your sewing room is so lovely. It must be a fabulous place to sit and create. It looks so peaceful and serene and that wallpaper is gorgeous. That is such a great idea to use a planner. I think having a bit of a plan helps to get more done and it would be a great reminder to make sure that you have all the notions that you need before you start *ahem – don’t ask me how I know that one* 🙂 I have got my sewing mojo back too and have finished a blouse and am halfway through a skirt I cut out last year. Xx
I’ll be honest that it doesn’t always look like that! But it is a perfect space. And I have tv and podcasts to keep me company.
I’ve just changed out the table for a vintage dining table so I can get sewing machine, overlocker and coverstitch all out at the same time. But I miss the wee treadle table. It was so lovely to sit at!
The notion I need most of is time. Life feels awfully busy at the moment. But I should be used to that by now!
Beautiful sewing space – and so tidy!! I might press one of my (many) treadle tables into service and set up my ‘spare’ sewing machine on it so that it’s always ready for use. I could have done with it recently, when using contrast fabrics on the P.J.s, threaded up with a different colour thread instead of having to keep swapping it over on the main machine.
I didn’t realise you were a dancer too. Good luck with the outfit and the competition.
Today it is less than tidy. I have a blouse on the machine table that is less than 30 minutes away from finished. Maybe I’ll get to that today when the kids go to grandparents for tea!
I’ve also a pile of stuff on the cutting table that needs sorting. Sigh!
I love having the space to set up a second machine for topstitching if I need it.
I’ve only just started learning to dance. I’ve wanted to since I was six, and am throughly entranced with it. We’ve been conned by the kids an their teacher to enter the parent/child competition on the 18th March. We’ll have had about 10 lessons then. What could possibly go wrong!?!? Poor boy will be dragging his mother around the floor!
You go for it! Have fun.
We will! xx
I’ve been resisting planning as, like you found, I suspect I have far more projects lined up than is ideal. Having said that, your plans look wonderful (and who doesn’t like a good reason for a cutting, sticking, and colouring with a new notebook!) so I think it may be time to join you.
Good luck with your plans, and also the dancing. And BTW, those sheep are adorable.
I’ve found it remarkably liberating. It’s stopping thinking “must make all the things”. I only have to work on what’s on the list, and I’ll get to the rest in time.
I love a good deadline, and if I’ve something horrible (black dancewear…looking at you) then I have to get it out of the way before I sew something pretty.
Also, I’ve been tempted by patterns and fabric and walked away from them *faints*. If it’s not in the queue, I don’t need the fabric or pattern.
I’m rather hoping it sticks!
And glue sticks are always fun!
Your sewing space looks lovely! I usually list projects on a sheet of paper and hang it so I can get reminded…I got given a notebook but I am afraid of messing it up
My room doesn’t normally look that neat! Entirely tidied up for photos.
I love notebooks. I’ll admit that I’ve got a very posh one that a friend bought me a couple of years ago that I’m saving, but I took the plunge with a lovely one from the V&A and use that for knitting notes. Go for it! 😉