Still harping on about the Christmas Lurgy, even though we are racing towards the end of February, but it’s all relevant to this story with another happy ending.
Whilst I’d been really sick the week before Christmas, it was Boxing Day when the flu took hold of The Husband. Although born in Somerset, he’s a Northern Bloke by heritage, and made of stern, manly stuff. For him to actually take to his bed when ill is unheard of in the 12 years we’ve been together. For him to be in bed for nearly 4 days was like stepping into the Twilight Zone.
The kids were under the weather and I was still reeling from it, so we hunkered down and worked on getting well. After a few days of this, though, Cabin Fever struck and my cherubs morphed into obnoxious little hellions!
By the evening they’d shredded even my last nerve and I’d sent them to bed, poured a stiff drink and turned to Instagram for solace.
Kristin (@kristinm100) had posted the most adorable pair of mittens, and they hadn’t been lost in the craziness of Instagrams algorithms! I commented and asked if she could share the pattern name.
5 minutes later my inbox pinged and there was the pattern for the mitts.
I’ll admit to being rather overwhelmed by the kindness (although it’s not the first time Kristin has done something lovely for me.) That little pattern, sent across the miles from Canada by the magic of the interwebs, from a woman I consider a friend, but whom I’ve never met, absolutely turned a truly shitty day into a positively magical one.
I instantly set to work to source the perfect yarn, and came up with Blacker Yarns British Classic DK knitting yarn in Grey. This is a crisp, hardy yarn, in the fashion of Shetland wool. The colour is the perfect grey, and whilst I wouldn’t knit this as a sweater next to my skin, for mitts it is cosy, and warm, and, I suspect, will take a bit of a beating!
Now obviously I had to wait for the yarn to arrive, it being the holidays and all, but that didn’t matter.
I was making friendship mitts. Mitts that every time I wore them I would think of Kristin and her kindness.
I’ve got other mitts like this. My lovely Goats of Inversnaid mitts were a yarn and pattern gift from my friend Christian (who lives considerably closer than Kristin). And the hat that goes with them has been commandeered by Miss Button, who also gets to share the love.
It strikes me as nothing short of miraculous that such a simple act of kindness and friendship can result in bonds forged in the shared love of an age old craft. Bonds that transcend age, race, background, education, socioeconomic status and good old fashioned geography.
That a few clicks of a keyboard can lift the spirits of someone thousands of miles away.
They say that random acts of kindness can change the world. That you never know, if you do something small, how big an impact it can have on the recipient.
I have a pair of hand-knitted mittens that are testament to the veracity of that sentiment.
They are a happy blessing indeed.
Project notes
As an aside, this pattern is so beautifully written. Every row is clearly detailed, so even an relatively inexperienced knitter could make these. Those of us with a few yards of yarn under our belts can whip these up in no time, but still feel a happy sense of accomplishment.
Pattern: | Kindling Mitts |
Pattern cost: | £3.90 |
Yarn: | Blacker Yarns British Classic DK |
Colourway: | Grey |
Purchased at: | Blacker Yarns |
Yarn cost: | £4.80 |
Oh Evie – just read this and it made me cry! You are a wonderful friend (sadly too far away) but I’m sure we will have chances to meet each other in real life. I will be getting back to the UK in the next couple of years, I promise. And your version of these mitts is amongst the best I’ve seen. What beautiful work! xoxo
Thank you.
For the kind words and the thoughtfulness of your gift.
I’ll be there in a heartbeat if you come to the UK!
Beautiful. And now this lovely pattern will also be made up in Yorkshire. Thank you for sharing K xXx
Yay! Spreading the joy!
What an absolutely lovely story. I was so touched by it. What a kind thing at such a rotten time. Your mitts are beautiful, beautifully knitted and such lovely yarn. The goat ones are super cute too. I bet they will make you happy every time you wear them. Xx
Thank you!
Happy mitts are a joy. 😀
These are rather gorgeous I must say and a lovely gesture when you needed it most. Sometimes the internet is a treasure.
With all the awful things in the world today, it’s lovely to be reminded that most people are truly lovely. And though the internet can be a scary place, our little crafty corner of it is rather wonderful!
Beautiful gloves, and a lovely back story. Aren’t web friends just great?
Web friends are amazing! I’m very blessed.