This is it.
The final stitchery for my A Gardener’s Journal quilt.
I don’t think much will happen on the quilt top for a while as I have much dressmaking to do as I continue clearing the stash. I have the next 8 projects in my head already, so I’d like to get on with those.
I’ve also got two knitting projects on the go, so I think that’s enough to keep me going for a while. But this quilt will be finished this year.
For sure.
Wow! You are one busy lady. How on earth do you manage to fit everything in? I was thinking of you last week when we were in Cornwall. There were some lovely stitched scenes of Saint Michaels Mount in our cottage. I could imagine that they were just the sort of thing that you would lovingly create. I posted one on my facebook page, but if you want to take a peek you’ll have to make a friend request first. xx
Ha! Mr S is always saying toooooo busy!
I hope you had a lovely time in Cornwall. I have put in a friend request as I can’t wait to see the pics.
Well done you, great work. This is one of my favourite stitcheries in this quilt, and I shall look forward to seeing the quilt top altogether. Enjoy your other projects in the meantime
I love this one too! Although that back view is a little too close to home for my liking!!!!!