Whilst I’ve been missing from this little corner of the blogosphere, I’ve been off doing ‘real life’ stuff. Most of it has just been the minutiae of everyday life, coupled with a real drive to slow things down (not entirely successfully, but we’re making a start).
However, you may have seen on Insta that Dave and I managed to bunk off parenting for a couple of nights and zip up the motorway to the Southern Lake District for a bit of time just being Mr and Mrs.
Lovely, lovely Nana and Grandad moved into our house for the duration to look after the kids….and they all had a blast.
As did we!
Dave has been asking for another Longfellow cardigan, and this time I wanted to buy a studier, more durable yarn than the Drops I used last time. It’s perfectly serviceable but a little soft.
So as we were passing Freehold Yarn in Lancaster, it seemed rude not to call in. It’s small, but perfectly formed, with some very pretty yarns.
We purchased Cumbria Fingering Unto the Hills for Dave’s cardigan. It’s a masham/merino/mohair mix and feels delicious. The colour is Derwentwater and a much deeper blue than I can pick up with the camera.
Some winter white Knit by Numbers Merino may have fallen into the basket for a hat and mitts for me.
As there was a hefty discount on the yarn, I took the opportunity to treat myself to a copy of Laine magazine. Again…rude not to! 😉
We were so lucky to also have a gift voucher for afternoon tea at Patisserie Valerie that the lovely Julia gave us. Lancaster has a gorgeous new Pat V, so we took advantage!
Saturday was crisp and cold and the morning was spent bimbling around various antique and architectural salvage yards, and food halls. When lunch called, we headed into Kendal, where a bowl of pasta and meatballs was followed by a visit to the Quaker Tapestry.
Dave really wasn’t massively excited to do this but knew that I’d been wanting to see the tapestry for ages. His generosity was rewarded, though, because the historical aspects of the display really engaged him.
The stitching on the tapestry panels is exquisite and so inspirational. The stories behind each panel are so interesting. We both learned so much and spent a happy couple of hours in the museum.
With time still to spare before we needed to head back to the hotel to change for dinner, we headed back up the road. Not 500 yards from the Quaker Tapestry is Cool Crafting, home of Luna Lapin!
I can’t convince Dave that this wasn’t all a cunning plan.
As a treat for being the most long suffering and yet consistently awesome hubby ever, I snagged this gorgeous wool to make him another waistcoat. I’m aware you haven’t seen the first one yet…I’ll get pictures soon. The pattern needs a couple of tweaks so this will be another wearable toile.
I also picked up the Merchant and Mills Top 64, which I’ve been lusting after for quite some time. I’m planning to make it up as sweaters for the winter and then perfect linen tops for the spring. I think it might also make a cosy sweater dress (or a cool one, again in linen).
All in all another perfectly lovely day.
By Sunday morning we were hankering for home. I love having a break from my ‘cherubs’ but I was starting to miss them. We decided to set off straight after breakfast, but call in at our favourite antiques haunt on the way home. Dave is always on the hunt for vintage mixing bowls for breadmaking, and I’m never going to turn my nose up at a poke around. I need bedroom furniture, after all.
We struck lucky and got him two Mason Cash bowls at a great price. Then we stumbled upon this cute little side table….
…with a lovely surprise in store.
It needs some work. A bit of wood filler and a coat of paint will make it fit perfectly by my knitting chair to protect yarn and needles from rampaging kittens.
The lining isn’t holding up particularly well. I’m a bit stumped as to whether to leave it and clean it, or rip it out and replace with something fresh….or even just a coat of paint inside?
I’ve time to decide as I won’t get to this till the New Year, but I’d also welcome any thoughts!
Finding this was the perfect end to the perfect weekend with the perfect husband. I’m so lucky!
That looks like a very productive and enjoyable weekend ?
It was such fun!
It sounds like my ideal sort of weekend.
I actually really like the lining of your little side table – unless it is in much worse condition than it looks in your photo. If you are going to paint the wood at least you will have the little bit of ‘original’ left inside.
It was a perfect weekend!
The lining is really quite grim in some parts and very dirty all over. It’s such a shame. Because this shot of colour is wonderful, and I would have loved to keep it.
What an absolutely perfect time you spent together,and you look fab!
Thank you *blushes*
It was such a lovely weekend.