This is the last pair of socks that I knitted for The Hubby.
When I say “last” I mean “most recently completed” not “the final pair”.
Amazingly another ball of sock yarn appeared just as I was knitting the toe of the second sock of this pair.
Hubby had found it in a box he was unpacking. I’m feeling the fates conspiring with him to fill the world with hand knitted striped socks.
I, on the other hand (or foot), have other knitterly plans!
Project details
Pattern: Regia 4 ply sock pattern
Pattern cost: Free
Yarn: Sirdar Heart & Sole
Colourway: Dilly Dally (051)
Purchased at: Black Sheep Wools
Yarn cost: £4.99
Have just finished a baby blanket for a pal who is about to become a granny so was thinking of making more socks…these are gorgeous, am inspired again!
I’m happy to have inspired! How are you feeling these days?
He’s not secretly ordering sock yarn online is he so that each time you finish a pair he can miraculously produce the means to produce another? 😉
Oh don’t give him ideas! 😉
He’s an absolute shocker in a yarn shop. I’m gently browsing and he has an armful of sock yarn.
I think Tialys may be onto something there!
Great socks, and I love the cheerful stripes ?
Thank you. He does love his stripes! They’re becoming something of a style statement for him.
Hubby is really lucky to have all your glorious socks. I really adore steps and you always knit with the best (read funkiest) wools ever. Lovely. Xx
I’m sure I’m the lucky one! I love that he loves my socks so much.
More funky socks to follow – I found a pair that I’d knitted and completely forgotten about! That said..they’re a bit subdued compared to recent endeavours, but totally lovely.