I’ve been long overdue a new hat. In truth I’ve shivered at the school gate too many days this winter wishing I had a cosy covering for my head and ears. But like many other things, it’s been added to the bottom of the “to do” list and left to languish unattended.
So, when Himmelbjerget gifted me some exquisite pink yarn for Christmas, I knew immediately it would be a hat.
But still I procrastinated. Which hat would it be? I spent more time than is probably healthy scouring Ravelry for the perfect hat. In the end I plumped for Snowtracks Hat by Timothy Peters for Stitch Nation.
This pattern is lovely. The cable section is easily followed, especially as I put a stitch marker between each pattern repeat, which makes a world of difference. You can quickly see where in each repeat you are, and save a lot of time working backwards and forwards in your head counting stitches. Thanks to my friend Liz for that tip…it’s a gem!
The only problem I encountered was one that I couldn’t have foreseen. Although I used the same weight of yarn and the yardage told me I had plenty of yarn….I didn’t!
I ran out 3 rows into the crown shaping.
I tried the hat on….and looked like a Smurf in a pink hat. It was way too long. I like my hats snug not slouchy. So I did the happy dance, ripped it back to the right length, started the crown shaping about 10 rows earlier, took a few rows out of the crown shaping and ta dah! It fits perfectly, with just a yard or two of yarn to spare.
Simples! The pattern is very forgiving of tampering knitters.
And the yarn…, the yarn is oh, so wonderful. It’s Yarn Garden Aran in Purple Flowered Rock Rose, and it is sublime. Soft and squishy in the ball. Smooth to knit. The needles positively fly through it and the stitches dance through your fingers. Densely saturated colour flecked with speckled nuggets of tweedy contrast. And yes…it’s that pink in real life. I’ve had the devil with these photos as the yarn is blowing the colours out completely. It’s totally joyous, both to knit and to wear.
I was so sad to finish knitting, but am so happy every time I look at this or pop it on.
I want to knit this yarn again…now!
Gail says
That is most certainly a happy hat! Off to check out the pattern . . . I’ve been looking for a hat pattern too!
Evie says
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And if you prefer a slouchier hat, it’s very accommodating…just leave the full pattern in!
Vicki Kate says
Beautiful! How can that colour not induce happy thoughts?!
Evie says
It’s its purpose in life. Happy thoughts and warm ears! 😉
Ginger says
This is beautiful! What a happy, pretty hat! I hope you feel better soon and that your new hat keeps you warm and cozy!
Evie says
Aw, thanks. I’m on the mend…and toasty warm!
K-Line says
Not more bronchitis! Ugh. Giving you positive health vibes Evie. xo
Evie says
Ugh indeed…it’s beyond tedious! Thanks for the health vibes. 😀
Xtian says
The colour really does suit you and the hat pattern is great. I’m so glad there was enough wool too.
Evie says
You know me so well! It’s wonderful and I love it. Thank you xx
Jane G says
what a beautiful pattern, glad you got it work with the yarn you had. Hope you feel better soon
Evie says
I’m so thrilled with this, I can’t tell you. It’s lovely. And I’m on the mend, thank you so much.
Chica Andaluza says
Ooh it’s lovely – really suits you! So sorry you are not well, do hope you soon recover x
Evie says
Thank you! I love it! And I’m definitely getting there…just rather bored of coughing now!
Mother of Reinvention says
What a lovely design and such a glorious vibrant colour. You suit it so well. Sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. Hope it passes soon. xx