Unsurprisingly, I recently cast on another pair of my favourite vanilla sock pattern using a ball of Rico Superba that we’d picked up on our last trip to Black Sheep Wools.
As an aside if you’re ever in the Warrington area, do make a wee detour to Black Sheep. They’re homed in an industrial unit in what feels like the middle of nowhere but in reality is 5 minutes from the motorway. The store is stuffed to the gunnels with yarn, quilting fabric, and all manner of lovely things. The staff are delightful and there is a very lovely tea shop with piles of crafty magazines to browse over coffee and cake.
Anyhoo, back to the socks.
As I was casting on I had a real feeling of deja vu, and not just from the fact that this is the pattern I always use. As I knitted I just couldn’t shake the feeling, so popped onto my Ravelry project page to confirm what I thought I already knew.
Yep….I’d knitted this yarn before.
My original pair of socks in this yarn were completed in April of 2015…nearly 2 years ago! And they’re still going strong. Bloody good yarn this!
The odd thing is, though, that this second pair hasn’t come out quite as planned. Where as the first pair came out with perfectly matched stripes, it was impossible to match the stripes on this pair once you hit the heel. And you can be sure that I tried.
It’s obviously a dyeing error, but annoying nonetheless.
I know that non-matching socks is a perfectly legitimate thing. And that my obsession with matched stripes is probably more than a little OCD. But I love matched socks! Sorry…not sorry.
So this pair took all my knitterly nerves of steel to finish, graft the toes and hand them over to a happy husband.
His stripe obsession is, thankfully, always overruled by his obsession with a new pair of socks!
Project details
Pattern: Regia 4 ply sock pattern
Pattern cost: Free
Yarn: Rico Designs Superba Poems
Colourway: Fabre
Purchased at: Black Sheep Wools
Yarn cost: ?
I’m with the husband. I can take not matching if I’m given new socks ?
It’s a good position to take 😉
That looks like gorgeous yarn.
I like Black Sheep Wools too although, being in France, I have to use their online service which is excellent.
There online service is good. I use that when I don’t have the time to bimble across to them. Do you have a Phildar shop near you? I always make a beeline there when I’m in France.
Those are such amazing socks. The colour way is very summery. I don’t know if I could cope without the matching stripes though but this is coming from the woman that matches the colours on the clothespins when I am hanging out washing and has to have all her pens in a certain order at work. Hubby is very lucky getting such excellent socks. 😀 Xx
I think that matching clothespins is perfectly rational. Thankfully when he’s wearing shoes I can’t tell that the feet don’t match! 😉