Well, it’s been a minute since I’ve been in this space. Or even picked up much in the way of a pattern, yarn or fabric. It feels good to be back, although I wasn’t sure I ever would. The last 16 or so months have been…….interesting.
There’s been a lot going on in all aspects of life, but we’re the other side of 90% of it now and life is good. But also very busy with a new business in the pipeline, teenagers, home, and just life in general.
With all this going on there hasn’t been much making going on. Even the decorating in the hallway isn’t finished and we started that before the Covid pandemic! The few things I knitted have mostly been frogged, and sewing has been sadly missing from my life.
However, I thought I’d take this opportunity to document everything I made since we last spoke, which won’t take long, and then hopefully there’ll be new stuff coming through so that I don’t go into crafty hibernation again. I miss making. I’m itching to sew. I even have new fabric as well as some remaining stash, so time to crack on.