Back in June I catalogued my ridiculous stash, and then discussed how it was actively blocking my sewing mojo. This isn’t a new topic on the blog. Back in 2015 I chatted about why a fabric stash doesn’t work for me.
But, as you know, thanks to the generosity of friends, and fabric shopping but not sewing, my stash had grown again. And, I’ll be honest, it was making me uncomfortable. I know that having a fabric stash is a bit of a contentious issue, and that many people would feel bereft without theirs, but I find it, quite frankly, oppressive.
When I started sewing, back in the days before the internet, I didn’t stash fabric or patterns, but simply decided what I wanted to sew, and then bought the fabric and pattern needed for that garment.
My goal at the moment is to pretty much get back to that state of affairs. There are a couple of pieces of beautiful wool coating that will be the last things I sew, and some summer weight dress lengths that I’m not sewing till spring. But everything else is going to be sewn as quickly as possible, just to get them out of a crate and into the wardrobe.
I even have a list!
So, October has been a bit of a crunch month for me, stash wise. Not only have I been tweaking Newlook 6217 to perfection, I also decided to bite the bullet and go through the fabric book with a more critical eye.
I revisited each and every single piece of fabric, in a Marie Kondo fashion, and anything that didn’t “spark joy” was put to one side. I filled two of the large blue Ikea sacks with fabric that I couldn’t see what I would make, or how it would fit into my wardrobe. The friends who originally gifted it to me were happy for me to pass it on to a good home…so I did. Another friend, who is learning to sew, was the overjoyed recipient of 71.9 metres of fabric that was weighing me down, but which has buoyed her up. The gifting of this fabric sparked much more joy than the stashing of it ever did. I highly recommend it.
I used another 5.4 metres for toiles, wearable or otherwise, and binned 2.5 more when I completely ruined version 3 of the Newlook top by completely not paying attention to cutting out!
So at the end of October I had 99.7 metres left in the stash, and I’ve pulled out about 8 or 9 pieces that have been pre-washed and pressed and are ready to go. If you follow me on Instagram you’ll already have seen that November is shaping up to be a productive sewing month.
Stash Stories, then, is a monthly roundup of all things stash, where I’ll tally how much fabric I’ve used, what, if any I’ve purchased, and how much is left. Hopefully, I’ll get to the bottom of the crates sooner rather than later.
By the way, if you’ve not already listened to the Love To Sew podcast “How big is your stash” then I highly recommend that you do. In fact, I highly recommend you listen to all episodes…they are great!
Well done you – for the sorting and the gifting. I don’t hoard so much fabric for dressmaking but let’s not get started on my patchwork and crafting stash 😮
Ah, but you make so many lovely things with your patchwork and crafting stash, it saves time having it in the house! 😉
Well done for sharing the stash love and for having a plan!
Thank you kindly!
I am so impressed with your determination to clear your stash. I think that it is a great idea and a very freeing one. Saying that, I would be lost without mine. If you don’t mind I am going to steal your book idea. I have so much fabric that I forget what I have and just go and buy more. This would fab aide memoire and stop me buying random things all the time. Really looking forward to seeing what you make. Xx
I’m happy for you to steal the idea.
I think stash is such a personal thing. For some it brings such joy, but for me, it’s another stressor.
Each to her own, I say!
I’m very impressed by your discipline and organisation. My stash is feeling a bit ‘heavy’ at the moment, and I have a huge list of things I really want to make but haven’t given them priority. I need to take inspiration from you ?.
I’m trying hard not to second guess myself with it all. I find it super easy to think of 20 things I could sew with a length of fabric, and end up doing none of them. Also, fit challenges me, but I won’t get better at it unless I sew! So I just need to crack on. And my wardrobe is bare, so I’m definitely motivated!