Oh it was all going so well. I was catching up with the shenanigans in Ambridge and making great progress with the little Liberty blouse I’m making for Button.
Then on Thursday evening it was a sunny, if blustery evening, so I headed off to the park after school with the kids and the dog with the plan of blowing the cobwebs off us all.
Carter has recently returned from a 3 week training bootcamp which means he has much better manners. But he wasn’t socialised with other dogs as a pup and, to be honest, still gets ridiculously giddy around them. He’s like a teenage boy backstage at a Victoria’s Secret runway show….hasn’t the first idea how to behave!
So when a small puppy decided he simply had to play with Carter….well, Carter wanted to play too. Unfortunately in his messing he wrapped my hand in the lead and pulled.
My fingers felt broken, but thankfully weren’t. But all sewing and knitting was on hold for a few days. The bruising is down now and I’m back in action!
I’ve just the wee buttonholes and buttons to sew. I’m planning to do them tomorrow. Because not only do I want to get this little top ready and move onto the next project…I want to find out what happens with Roy and his dispute with Elizabeth! And any Archers fans amongst you will know exactly how far behind I am.
I’ll be back soon with the finished article!
Sorry to hear about your hand and hope that Carter was suitably sorry for himself. Dogs are so funny. That is a great top. The fabric is wonderful. Love Liberty fabric. Hope you hand is fully recovered soon. Xx
He was remarkably un-contrite, the little beast! Thankfully, whilst the finger is still tender, I can sew and knit again. The top is finished…I just need to convince the model that she wants to do the photos!
What’s it they say about never working with children and animals???????
Wow you are a long way behind with The Archers! I love sewing while listening to it on a Sunday morning, made me cry this week.
I used to love listening to the Archers on a Sunday morning…the kids put paid to that! Thank heavens for podcasts. How did we ever mange without them?
Love the glimpses of Buttons top – can’t wait to see it! I wish we could get our pups together. Hetty can play for hours!
Is she any good at teaching manners? 😉 He is much better than he was but I suspect he’ll always be more than a little giddy!
Ouch – I winced when I read this! I hope your hand is much better now. I’m loving the blouse so far!
It happened to a friend of mine last year…it’s certainly not something I’d recommend. I’m fine now, as long as I don’t touch it!
O no! No knitting and no sewing, that’s tough! The Liberty blouse is looking beautiful. I bet Button can’t wait for you to finish it!
I’m rubbish without knitting or sewing. I get mighty twitchy. The blouse is finished and I love it. So does Button…but she’s “not in the mood” for photos tonight! Kids!!!!
Oh no! That sounds painful! Hope it is feeling better soon- Love love that fabric! It is perfect for an Archer!
Thanks! I’m fine now. An Archer for the Archers…now there’s a blog post! 😉
Glad to hear the hand is improving, this is looking good
Thank you 😀
Such a beautiful fabric – that blouse is gorgeous! Sorry to hear about your hand 🙁 I sympathise, a few weeks ago our two pups heard something in the back garden (turned out to be a seagull) and went flying out the back door through my legs and I fell down the two steps. Not far…but ouch, what a great set of bruises I had on my legs and arms for a while!
Good grief…are you ok? Dogs really should carry a health warning!
Carter had hubby into a gate post the other day. Sometimes he just forgets everything and goes bonkers. #squirrels!