Whilst the fabric for my wedding dress languishes in a bag waiting patiently to be sewn (soon, my lovely, soon) I have tarried with other projects, namely the oliver + S birthday party dress.
I’ll admit that I was reluctant to spend quite so much money on a pattern, but rationalised that if I traced it off I could get a few year’s use out of it, which in my head made it so much more reasonable priced. I’m very glad I did.
The pattern is lovely. Printed on sturdy paper with clear markings and wonderful instructions, it shows what can be achieved with patterns if you take the time and actually give a crap about your product and your customers.
Sadly the same can’t be said of the fabric, which is a hideous but practical polyester that is washable but simply refuses point-blank to hold a pleat! I made a size 2, but would make the next size up next time to give her a little more growing room. And I’ve lots of the fabric left, so will probably draft a new front without the pleats to use this up. They are the perfect dress for nursery.
Button loves the dress, despite the failings of the fabric, and I love the pattern. I see more of these in our future. Just not in nasty polyester!!!!
It’s beautiful. She’s just happy mummy made her a pretty dress, she doesn’t care about the fabric