I’ve got to tell you its a miracle anything is getting done here at the moment, but although I could do with more time and more sleep it’s nice knowing that this is a temporary thing as the end of my first module creeps nearer.
Last week was half-term holidays which I spent with the kids and The Husband and abandoned my study schedule. It was lovely if rather foolish as it means that this week I have one session of English and two sessions of French to catch up. As this is approximately 36 hours of study and I don’t have 36 hours to spend on it, the word that springs to mind is “eeeep”!
I have to say that without hesitation I’ll make the same choice the next nursery holiday…it’s so worth it.
Little ice-creamy faces are a joy to behold.
Then, I spent 5 hours waiting to be towed home from Manchester on Saturday when I should have been at a tutorial for my French module. Fingers crossed his car will be mended soon. But how lucky are we to have one car, let alone two?
So, to maintain some semblance of sanity, I’ve been sneaking the odd half hour here and there to do a bit of sewing and in the evenings I sit and knit. The laceweight Ella is knitted and blocked and currently being sewn up (which is tedious so only a bit is getting done every now and again when I’m feeling a bit perky).
I’ve also finished a cardigan for Button. I photographed it at the weekend but every picture was overexposed so I’ll do them again soon.
And today I’ve just finished the cowl neck jumper dress from Heidi and Finn, also for Button.
I cannot tell you how adorable this little dress is. Button has a temperature today and is currently snoozing so I’ll get modelled pictures soon, but really wanted to share it with you.
I’ve used a Heidi and Finn pattern before for the refashioned jacket I made for Button and again I found the pattern well drafted and the instructions extremely comprehensive. Even if you’re a complete beginner you could sew this dress. I sewed it on my normal machine as I didn’t have 4 spools of thread for the overlocker. Simples!
The fabric was gifted to me by the lovely, lovely Himmelbjerget during her recent destash and is a beautifully soft and cosy velour. You can see the fabric better in this close up shot:
This is such an amazing pattern. I want to make it again and again. In fact I think I very probably will do! In this incarnation it’s perfect for play dates or for church, but you can make it more or less dressy dependent on your choice of fabric.
So thank you to Himmelbjerget for the fabric and thank you to Heidi and Finn for another splendid pattern.
If you have small ladies who like a dress I highly recommend you make this one for them. At least once.
I think you made the right decision – you´ll never get that time back with the little ones! The dress is adorable, really lovely and it looks so cosy and comfortable. Do hope she recovers soon 🙂
She’s chomping on medicinal ice-pops as I type! I’m hoping another early night and she’ll be back on form.
The holiday week was lovely. Nothing extravagant, play-dates and little family outings to the park. Perfect.
Very pretty, hope she picks up soon to enjoy wearing it
Thank you. She’s normally very robust so fingers crossed.
ahha – that looks absolutely beautiful!This might have to be my next project ala pendle stitches stitching school ; )
Hmmmm….I may just have some lovely pink stripe, also courtesy of Himmelbjerget that would be right up Princess Rose’s street! Remind me on Saturday. x
OMG this dress is so cute and it looks very French-chic-like 🙂
Oh thank you…that’s exactly what I was aiming for! You’ve made my day!