New Look 6881 is my go to pattern for party dresses for Button. The lovely purple satin version I made her last year was not only unsuitable for the warm and sunny weather we’ve been having of late, but also it didn’t fit her any more. So when a birthday party invitation arrived recently, we high-tailed it off to our local fabric shop, The Buttonhole in Chorley, and I turned her loose.
She skipped around the shop pulling bolts of fabric off the shelves, finally settling on some gorgeous red and white dotty Michael Miller cotton.
It was, of course, some of the most expensive fabric in the shop.
What can I say??? Our girl has taste!
I made the age 4 size, but added an inch to the bodice and an inch and a half to the hem, which means there is plenty of growing room in this one!
The dress is lined in cotton lawn (I know! But it’s so beautiful it seemed a shame not too!). There is 4 metres of broderie anglais trim gathered around the hem, and 4 metres of net gathered onto the petticoat to give the skirt some twirlability. Which surely is the raison d’etre of any party dress!
This is, without a doubt, one of my favourite makes, ever!
And, more importantly, Button loves it too!
Your little one is adorable. Look at those cheeks. Does everyone pinch them? I love the dress and especially the photo where she is twirling!
She’s far to fierce for cheek pinching! This is a little lady who knows her mind. For which I’m eternally grateful.
AWWW I used to love dresses that I could twirl in. As a little girl they are all I would wear. I love dots. She looks very cute and the dress looks like it will fit for a while.
Thank you…I’m hoping it will take her through a summer of parties.
Lord, that girl is gorgeous. And your dress is just beautiful. What a combo.
Can you imagine the trouble we’re going to have when she discovers boys?!?!?!?!
I won’t lie. It’s going to be a problem.
For sure!
Adorable! Those twirling shots are precious too!
She does love to twirl!
I love how studious she looks in them.
Twirly whirly photos are the best! What a lovely dress – too cute 🙂
Aren’t they just! Thank you.
I love broderie anglaise. Button is modelling the dress beautifully, she definitely has her mother’s taste in fabric
Me too…it’s so pretty. I think she has better taste than me!
Really nice! It’s a really sweet and happy dress! Perfect for a party! I love it you added all those details… I would say it’s a couture dress!
Oh thank you! That’s very kind. This dress makes me smile. she looks so pretty in it.
Great summer party dress for Button!
Indeed! And we’ve finally had some summer weather here too.
What a lovely dress! The broderie anglaise trim is a very nice touch. And of course she chose the most expensive fabric possible. That’s what kids are for- spending your money lol.
Oh they are so good at spending our money too! We had a trip to the toy store on Friday as a reward for good school and nursery reports. Ouch! 😉
Lovely dress for a lovely girl!
Oh you’re so sweet. Thank you!
That pose is perfect. As is the girl. And the dress! I think I’m going to have to get this pattern, finally. My two are standing behind me as I type and just whooped as they read! They love the dress too.
“Mummy can you pleeeeeeeeeeeease make us dresses like that? And shoes?” 🙂
This has just made my day! Hugs to your girls.
I can’t wait to see them in their versions. It’s a fabulous pattern. The shoes are Marks and Spencer…btw. I’m not sure if you can get them, but I’m sure you can lay hands on white patent sandals to complete the look.
She looks so beautiful. And can you imagine this made up in a grown up size!
Thank you…and the thought had crossed my mind! 😉