With the kids back at nursery every morning you’d think that I’d be getting lots of creative things done here, but it feels quite the opposite. I do have a couple of things to show but simple haven’t had the time to photograph them…I’m hoping to rectify that this week so I can share them, but am less than optimistic!
It’s all good stuff, just a bit bonkers.
That said, I did get to spend some time on Sunday afternoon revisiting these trousers:Well…that’s a couple of hours of my life I won’t get back!
Honestly, they just went from bad to worse to “crapsticks, these are beyond salvaging”.
So they went in the bin.
And I’m back to the drawing board. And strangely sanguine about the whole experience.
Once upon a time, and not so very long ago (with apologies to The Carpenters) I would have been angry or miffed or just generally bemoaning my lack of skills. With these trousers I could see what the problems were and feel energised to try again.
The biggest problem was poor fabric choice. It was so promising as a piece of fabric, and so disappointing as trousers. Too little recovery, not enough structure, very snaggy. Just generally unpleasant.
We live and learn.
However the biggest learning point from all of this is that I now have a very clear idea of what I want these trousers to look like.
First up they need to be slim, but maybe not quite as slim as Clover:
They need to be versatile so I can wear them either 7/8ths length or full length:
They need to work in multiple fabrics and with style features like different pockets or an added cuff.
Yep…it’s a trouser block I need. And it’s a pretty tall order, I think, but one I’m definitely looking forward to working on.
It’s on the back burner for a while as apparently there is a significant date in December* for which I have a pile of unsewn gifts and towards which time is swiftly marching. So October is my major festival* gift sewing month and the trousers can wait.
Although they’re a good incentive to crack on so I can get back to them as soon as possible.
*I’m loathe to mention the C word…it seems so early!
Such a shame about the trousers but at least you feel you´ve learnt something from the experience! You inspired me to give my first ever trousers a go. They were only drawstring ones (the pattern was for elasticated) and casued me a few problems too – enormous to the point of looking like I was wearing a nappy, then I sorted the top and they were neither long nor short so added a cuff at the bottom! They´ll be fine for in the house but I agree, a lot depends on the material. Hopefully we´ll both have greater success with our next venture into the world of trousers 🙂
I’m running with the theory that practice makes perfect! 😉
But now you have the knowledge oh wise one …
Oh, there’ll be no stopping me now. Anthropologie knock offs here I come!