At the beginning of 2019 I set myself 6 goals. Whilst I’m a bit late to the party with a review of the year, I’m taking the time to look back at what I’d hoped to achieve, and what actually happened.
1…Make Maud more like me

This was the first goal to be ticked off the list, right at the beginning of 2019.
I’m really pleased with the way Maud turned out but I still don’t think I use her as much as I could. We’ll see if this changes during 2020, or I may decide to strip her down and sell her.
2…Sew my stash
I started the year with 68m of fabric in the stash. I’ve purchased 22.3m this year.
I’ve sewn 20.5m of fabric this year, and am selling some gorgeous stuff here.

My goal was that 50% of my projects this year would be made from stash fabric. 14m of the total sewn was from stash. So that’s my second goal smashed.
I currently have 47.6m in stash. Whilst this is down on last year, I’m keen to sew most of this up this year.
3…Sew what I wear
This was the year of the Blackwood Cardigan.

It’s still my favourite pattern ever.
Each of the versions I made last year are in weekly rotation.
There is no doubt that I’ll make more this year!
And between them and the Drop Sleeve Top, I can safely say that this goal was achieved too!
4…Educate Evie
The big learning goal for 2019 was pattern drafting.

Following the amazing workshop at Raystitch with Alice, I didn’t do much else with what I’d learned.
And I certainly didn’t get to go on the trouser block course as planned. Mainly because I committed to go to a Kenneth King tailoring workshop* in June 2020 and the budget wouldn’t stretch to both.
However, I’m currently working on a simple shell top pattern, drafted from scratch, that I’m planning will be the perfect fit and the first of a series of basics that I’m wanting to make.
I’m also working on fitting a trouser pattern, that again will become the basic block that I can play with to make all my trousers (except jeans) this year!
So, whilst I didn’t do all the things I’d planned, I’ve still made progress on my learning to make patterns, and make patterns work, for me.
5…Make more
In 2018 I made 3 garments.
In 2019 I made 24.
That’s an 800% increase in productivity. Win!
6…Post more
In 2018 I posted 21 times.
In 2019 I posted 36 times.
That’s an increase of 76%.
Another win for me!
All in all, I’m really pleased with those results.
Funnily enough I haven’t yet set any goals for 2020. I’m selling a couple of sewing machines (please email me if you’re interested eviejones[at] and fabric. I also need to cull my bookshelf as over the years I’ve bought on a whim and don’t use all of them. It seems so wasteful now, but it’s sunk cost, so I’m moving on and will list them soon.
The only thing I know for sure for this year is that I’m sewing up more stash, knitting up stash yarn, and being thoughtful in what I purchase.
I also have a holiday coming up in May and have only 1 RTW swimsuit and 1 pair of RTW trousers suitable for it. I need to crack on. I’ve ordered linen samples from RayStitch and am pondering the options. I’ll share the plan when it’s finalised, and the fabric is ordered!
*I know, I know…..I’m so lucky. And ridiculously excited. Three days in London with Kenneth King learning how to tailor. Dream come true!
You’ve done well with your goals.
Poor Maud – under threat of being sold after all your hard work on her. I don’t really use my version of Maud in the way that I should – she’s more of a handy place to put half made items on and, sometimes, as a blog post model for finished clothing when nobody’s around to take a photo of me wearing it.
I do feel for her….but I’m being ruthless with getting rid of stuff I don’t use! So we shall see how we get on this year.
Wow – you have been outrageously successful! Good for you E!
Thanks! It was better than I thought, I don’t mind admitting!