The children have been introduced to Wallace and Gromit over the Christmas break and they are entranced.
Unfortunately, Wallace’s genius for incompetence in his creations has spilled over to my sewing loft.
I finally got the 2 pairs of upcycled jeans finished for Button this week.
You know…the ones I started in October of last year.
Just the 2 1/2 months then.
Which, whilst not a hanging offence in itself, doesn’t take into account the annoying tendency of small people to grow.
Right out of the jeans you should have finished for her 2 months ago!
Cue expletive of your own choice! I had several!
For a split second I was tempted to let The Boy wear them…but figured that floral Liberty print pocket linings probably weren’t a look he’d want to rock…and that the grandparents wouldn’t forgive me.
Thankfully, his best friend at nursery is a delightful, curly haired little moppet and these jeans will fit her perfectly.
I wish I was that tiny so I could wear the jeans! You don’t look like either Wallace or gromit in case you’re wondering 😉
Although I am partial to a nice bit of Wensleydale…
Sounds like me with my knitting! 😀
Ooooh lets not go there with the knitting…that’s all been a bit bonkers for the last month too! How I can make such a mess of garter stitch is beyond me…
Awww man, bummer! 🙁
Love Wallace and Gromit, love the wrong trousers…por Button, but at least someone will get to enjoy them. Shame I´m not a teeny tiny person 🙁
The house echos to cries of “more cheese, Gromit!” It’s hilarious. I have learned my sewing lesson. Little Friend’s mummy was very pleased! 😉
What, a kid can grow that much in a mere two months? Who knew? Lucky little curly haired moppet who gets to wear them.
It’s ridiculous. She once grew out of a pair of shoes overnight! They fitted her one day…the next she couldn’t even get her feet in. I keep telling her to stop, but she’s having none of it!
Damn things do grow. But we do feed them so I guess its our fault all over again. :lol:. Cute trou though so thank goodness for smaller friends.
She get’s awful grumpy if I don’t feed her 😉
And noisy too probably! Mine too. Me too.
Yep…although they are pretty wild and loud pretty much all the time.
Unless they are asleep.
And, sometimes, even then!
They grow like billy-o don’t they! Glad you could rehome them though. And LOVE Wallace and Gromit!
They are like weeds! It’s crazy! We love W&G too. It’s great to have an excuse to watch all the films again…and again…
Oh, the joys of growing children!
At least these got finished, I found a cardigan my mum was knitting for me to wear at infant school. It never made it off the needles
My husband’s grandma had one of those for him at the back of the cupboard for 30 odd years.