As you know if you’ve been following my most recent posts, I contacted the designer of the DIY dressform pattern I used for Maud with some feedback regarding some niggles I found with the pattern.
This morning I received a reply from a member of the team over at Bootstrap .
Thank you so much for all your feedback, it really is extremely valuable.
Some these concerns have been brought to our attention and we just don’t have the time and team power to address them quite yet.
We currently have an intensive push to work on our latest project, including our newest Tailornova technology, so that’s where all our time and attention is going. We are still a small start up, so we will be able to refine our dress form pattern in a few months when we have more time.
I will forward your email to our IT team and pattern maker who can make all the corrections.
So there you go. Hopefully the tweaks will be made in the not too distant future. But in the meantime, the pattern is perfectly workable to make a good fitted cover for your dressform.