It felt good to be back in the sewing saddle this week. Although the shameful layer of dust on the overlocker was testament to how long it’s been since I’ve ridden this particular pony!
I made this simple blouse for my friend Liz in payment for her sewing up of the Longfellow cardigan. We often trade skills and it works out really well.
The pattern I used is OOP Style 1035, which comes from Liz’s stash.
Whilst the styling on the pattern is quite dated, the pieces in this are really good, solid basics.
Liz decided on the little jacket, but the fabric she chose was a fantastic charity shop find that made the end result more of a blouse. It was a pale green cotton voile scarf that, if memory serves, cost her less than £2. As she’s petite and slender there was no issue in cutting a short sleeved version of this for her from the fabric available.
I’ll admit that it was a bugger to handle. Shifty, fraying, downright pesky. And I’m fairly sure there’s not a straight seam to be had! Although I can confirm that the hem is even, although it doesn’t look it in these photos.
Seams were simply overlocked. French seams would have been preferable but we were pushed for time. Sleeve and bodice hems were hand stitched – primarily because they’d look prettier, but also because it was so much easier than trying to get this fabric to behave and sew a straight and neat hem!
The upside of this is that it drapes beautifully (and hides a multitude of sins doing so) and is lightweight and airy.
The buttons are from Liz’s stash. Liz’s stash is impressive. Her sewing room is a veritable Aladdin’s Cave of haberdashery, yarn and patterns…both knitting and sewing.
All in all not a bad start to the sewing year.
I love the look of this one, I’m sure it’s fabulous to wear. I love the idea of swapping skills too
Swapping skills is genius. I cannot tell you how much I was dreading sewing up the cardigan…I’d much rather make a blouse! It’s not a new idea…just one we’ve forgotten. I highly recommend it.
Lovely blouse, and a fabulous idea to stop skills. We really should do that sort of thing more frequently. I’m sure she will be more than happy with the result.
Can’t recommend bartering skills enough. She was delighted and the blouse is currently with her in Australia…which is considerably warmer than it is here at the moment. I think the blouse will earn it’s keep!
The colour of your fabric is easily one of my most favourites – such a gorgeous hue! Your blouse looks very, very wearable 🙂 The way the light plays off the buttons – such a great match to the fabric!
Thank you! It is a glorious colour indeed.