There’s not a great deal going on Chez Stitches at the moment other than trying to sort out more documentation for the adoption (thoughts of moving goalposts spring to mind) and the accompanying grinding of teeth.
My head is so full of the waiting for our new panel date that I’m having trouble concentrating on much else. On the knitting front, I’ve managed a couple of beanie hats for homeless people and finished the sleeves on Mr Stitches’ French sweater, only to find I have insufficient yarn to complete the neckband. Pick an expletive and I probably used it when I figured that one out.
All is not lost – I can get another ball shipped in and it won’t matter if it’s a smidge out on colour. But really, I could do without it at the moment.
On the sewing front all has ground to a halt. I replaced a couple of zips in jeans over the weekend and roundly cursed myself for procrastinating on that task. How ridiculously easy are they to do? Idiot!
So please bear with me if not a lot happens here for the next couple of weeks. Hopefully (keep everything crossed for us here) normal service will be resumed after the 18th.
Oh, and it’s snowing. Not enough to be gorgeous and photogenic. Just enough to cause havoc on the roads.