Today we spent a happy couple of hours at the local park so I took the opportunity to grab a few photos of Miss Button in her new Spring Showers Jacket.
She wasn’t really in the mood, so these aren’t the best photos ever…but they still show you just how cute she looks in this.
The fabric is some lovely heavy red denim that Jane kindly picked up for me from the Goldhawk Road. It had been earmarked for a skirt for me (check out Jane’s fabulous Delphine skirt from Tilly’s new book) but Button really loved it and I’m a sucker for those baby blues…so here it is in her jacket!
You can see from the turned back cuffs in the pics above that the sleeves are lined with standard acetate lining, purely to make this jacket easier to slip on and off over the lovely hand knit sweaters that Ma keeps us supplied with. The hood and body of the jacket are lined in this beautiful cotton poplin from The Buttonhole in Chorley.
I also added a pop of the print to the pockets.
I cut the size 6 and it’s come up really big on her. Even over an Aran weight sweater.
I should have tried Boy’s on her first, but obviously didn’t. This is more to do with her being a little dot of a thing rather than any issue with the sizing of the pattern.
Mea Culpa!
At least she’ll get plenty of wear out of it.
And, of course there is plenty of lovely topstitching.
As with Boy’s version I’m really pleased with this jacket and can’t recommend the pattern enough. Every time we go out in these coats we get lovely compliments. Always a sign of a successful make, I think.
Now, though, it’s time to make something for me! Hurrah!
Have a great weekend. I’ll be spending tomorrow fitting a toile. I’ve a works dinner on Thursday and nothing to wear, so I need to see if I can throw a dress together in time. Thankfully the kids are back at school on Monday and I’m only working Monday and Tuesday, so it’s not out-with the realms of possibility.
We shall see!
Beautiful jacket, it looks so cosy! No doubt she will grow into, and out of it, but the oversized look is very fashionable anyway. The printed lining is very pretty, and what a good idea to use a slippery fabric in the sleeves.
Time to sew for yourself now, can’t wait to see what you are going to make.
She’s growing like a weed at the moment, so I’m not overly concerned.
Just got to finish the chore’s today and then pattern fitting here I come.
Button’s adorable little face is really changing. She’s gone from a toddler to a big girl, it seems, so quickly. I can’t believe it!
She’s growing up waaaaaaay to fast. You can see the beauty she’s going to grow into. Sigh!
This is beautiful! I love the shaped hem. I’m not surprised Button talked you into using this fabric for her, she’s gorgeous and the colour looks wonderful on her!
Thank you. She’s very persuasive! You really do need to make this for your little boy.
Beautiful coat! Have you seen the otter wax on Thread Theory’s blog? I could imagine that gorgeous red denim all ottered up and waterproof!
Oooooh….great minds think alike. I have seen the otter wax and was seriously thinking of getting some for both of these little coats. I know it would change the fabric a little bit, but think it would look good. Now you’ve said it I think I’ll get some ordered. Thank you!