After the debacle that was the black trousers I decided enough was enough and signed up to a Palmer/Pletsch trouser fitting course at Bambers in Manchester.
I managed to convince Ma to join me and on Friday and Saturday we packed up our sewing boxes and headed off hoping to crack trouser fitting once and for all.
At this point I should point out that Ive had a copy of Pants for Real People for forEVAH!
But have I read it!
Of course I haven’t!
I had scanned through it and thought that tissue fitting your pattern looked so tricksy and counter intuitive to everything I’ve ever learned about fitting that I put it to one side (together with it’s companion edition Fit for Real People) and left them to lurk unloved on the bookshelf gathering dust.
So I had high hopes but a lot of trepidation when we arrived at the class. Ma too.
We had nothing to worry about.
Firstly the class was very small; just us two and two other lovely ladies – Lisa and Anna.
And then there was Celia, the instructor.
I have to tell you that if you ever get the opportunity to take a class with Celia grab it with both hands.
Seriously, she’s amazing.
Not only is she incredibly knowledgeable but she’s really keen to share that knowledge, which is hugely inspirational. Add in a warm personality, a fabulous sense of humour and a passion for dressmaking and you’ve got the perfect recipe for an amazing teacher. Oh, and she likes cake too! Always a winner in my book.
So now I have an almost finished pair of trousers from this pattern
Whilst these are not my first choice of trouser style they are a good basic shape that I can then play with and add features. I am indeed thinking of cracking the spines on my pattern cutting books using this pattern as a block.
I also have this Vogue jeans pattern half fitted.
I think its the most telling measure of how successful I found the two days with Celia that I’ve swung from never wanting to attempt to sew another pair of trousers as long as I live, to being overly excited at the prospect of making my own jeans.
And if that wasn’t enough, Ma and I have signed up for the Fit for Fashion course in April so we can get down and dirty with fitting bodice patterns.
I’m working to get time to finish the trousers over the next couple of weeks and as soon as they’re done I’ll share photos.
Jane says
Sounds fantastic, I’d love to make my own clothes
PendleStitches says
You’re so talented I’m astonished that you don’t do so already. I’m in awe of your skills.
Chica Andaluza says
I´m so jealous that you have this wonderful instructor to go to. I cut out a pair of black trousers about 4 weeks ago and then I started to read the intructions of this supposedly “easy” pattern – the pieces just glare at me every day and I keep passing them buy hoping they will magically make themselves up as I am rather daunted by the task!
PendleStitches says
She is a marvel, I have to admit. But I can’t recommend heartily enough the ‘Pants for Real People’ book as (if, unlike me, you sit and read it) it walks you through all the steps. There’s a video too.
Oh my word, I’m coming over all evangelistic!
Trousers are so horribly daunting but I’m feeling so very much more inspired now.
Chica Andaluza says
Evangelise away – will have to put this on my Christmas “wish list”!