It’s been a while since I’ve had a hair cut, dear reader.
When I say “a while” I mean several months.
When I say “several” I’m probably talking more like six or seven.
I was convinced that Alice Who is a Cat had been nibbling whilst I slept, but maybe the lack of acquaintance with the hairdressers scissors may have something to do with the tatty lack of style that topped my head.
Button was in a similar predicament. We’ve been growing out her baby hair but it had reached the stage where we were holding her fringe out of her eyes for only an hour a day until she pulled the clip out.
It would seem to be an easily resolvable issue. Get. A. Haircut.
But, dear reader, we live in Backwater Central. And whilst there seems to be eleventy million hairdressers in our small town, there isn’t one of them I really trust with my hair. One of the local ones is renowned for taking the tips off your ears at no extra charge.
But our gym has a rather nice looking salon and I’ve never seen anyone leave there in tears. So we bit the bullet and made an appointment.
At this point I should let you know that Button has only had her hair cut with Mummy’s embroidery scissors to date. So as we arrived at the salon I was slightly nervous. She’s howled like a banshee at the dentist and I was hoping we wouldn’t have a repeat performance.
I needn’t have worried.She loved the hustle and bustle of the salon. And having her hair washed.
She hardly wriggled at all and we love the end result:
And I got a new do too:
Oh my goodness, every time I see her face I can’t help but think….she is adorable! Truly adorable!
You both look great with your new do’s :))))
She’s being a big girl going to the hairdressers, she looks beautiful.
WOW! love the new do’s!she is so dinky and cute!