I can hear the cheers now.
“Hurrah!!! Hurrah!!!! We don’t have to listen to her banging on about those dratted curtains any more!”
But rest assured, no one is as thrilled as I am that these are finally, finally, sewn and at the window.These pics were taken seconds after the curtains were hung. To get a really crisp finish to the way they hang I have to inflict a little bit of Jacob Marley bondage bandage to them:
When the ties come off in a few days the pleats will be crisp all the way to the hem and will hold their shape and look lovely.
All this room needs now is the radiator cover (which is just awaiting a visit to the builders merchants for grille) and a skirt valance for the divan base, which I’m hoping to do before the New Year (subject to enthusiasm and a willingness to sew rather than sitting watching movies and eating chocolates).
That’s a good job well done. I really like the fabric you’ve used
I really like the color. They look great. I’ve never tied curtains like that before, I’ll have to try it.