Okay…I’m officially bored with this now!
After much deliberation and taking into account the advice of my most talented sewing friend, I realised that I wasn’t quite as talented as she, and scrapped the original pattern and muslin.
Next up is a version of my own designing, based upon Button’s nursery cardigan.
This is the second toile and I’m not overly convinced!
Perhaps I need to park this, do another project and come back to it with fresh eyes. And a different pattern!
What do you think?
What a cute girl! My thoughts are to take a short breather if you feel that you need it. Then, get back to it and finish it! To me, the jacket appears to be nearly finished.
I like that one better than the first one and I think it would look good as a jacket, but do not do it when you are feeling down about it because you wont enjoy it and it wont turn out as good xxx
Have a look at McCalls 6304, it’s similar in style to the original jacket. I agree on the idea of a break from looking at it and getting frustrated though.
McCalls 6304 is a definate possibility. Have avoided the sewing room today, mainly because my knitting had gone awry and there was quite a bit of frogging to do!!!!
I’m letting this project simmer for a while until I renew my enthusiasm for it!