Or, “why we make a muslin!” (with apologies for a tomato smeared face and a paint smeared pinafore. These pictures were taken just before bath time).
This is pretty dreadful.
And at first I was blaming myself and my shoddy drafting skills for the new sleeve, which is too narrow and too pointy at the top of the sleeve head.
But closer inspection finds problems in areas that I haven’t touched. The shoulder seam sits very far back, the whole thing is too small across the shoulders and the back neck is very low indeed. As I haven’t removed the seam allowance there, it’s a pretty crazy neckline.
The pinafore pattern fits so nicely right out of the envelope so I’m quite surprised this is so small on her.
Anyhoo, I now have two choices.
- I can fiddle with this to make it just right. This will involve adding some width to the shoulders, raising the neckline, moving the shoulder seam forwards and redrafting the sleeve.
- I can go back to the drawing board and either start with a new pattern or draft something myself.
As I’m pretty tired and have a warm bath and a glass of wine with my name on them, I’m holding off on decisions for tonight.
Any suggestions very much appreciated.
Sandy says
That pattern looks pretty awful. I think I’d chuck it and draft your own or find another. At least then you’ll be starting at a point much closer to where you want to be!
Kirstey says
I probably go for a quick refit minus sleeves, before drafting a new pattern, just to make sure theyre not doing something weird! Lovely piccy of Button even with tomato and paint
niece stitches says
I would find a different pattern personally, because if it is the pattern (most likely) then you dont want to waste any more time faffing about with it