Following the untimely demise of the last Multnomah scarf I took it upon myself to knit up another one.I’m not completely sure what the yarn is but I suspect it could be Biscottie & Cie Plume fingering in Foret Boréale, but don’t hold me to that! And it’s dark here today so the colours aren’t as vibrant as they are in real life, even though these are taken in natural light without flash. Imagine them being about, oh, 100% more intense. Lovely.
BTW – I do like this pattern. Its the scarf equivalent of the little Chloe cardigans I knit for Button. Very straightforward and easy to knit. I do recommend it!
It is a lovely pattern, and the colour may not be shown at it’s best, but I do like it
Thank you. I do love the pattern.