Today I’ve been busy distracting myself by burning caramel to make the Sweet and Salty Cake from Baked bakery in New York. You’re not supposed to burn the caramel but, what can I say, I’ve not made it before. I did crack it in the end. I’ll post more about this when I’ve found the replacement battery for my camera and can download the pictures.
Thankfully the preparation of such an extravagant cake is perfect to stop yourself thinking about what the social workers are up to on your behalf. Especially when Pa Stitches-in-law is on his way over and expecting great things.
But all was completed by about 2.30pm, which meant that we had a little time to kill whilst the ganache set and we waited for news.
Thankfully by the time the news came in the cake was ready to eat. And it turned out to be a celebratory cake, because the Panel said Yes.
Mr Stitches and I have been approved by the Panel to adopt two children under the age of 5.
Whilst we sometimes thought we’d never get to this day, in reality this is where the real journey begins. We are elated. And then some. I’m off to open the champagne.
I’m so pleased for you both – Congratulations!
I would eat all that cake in celebration if I were you!
It couldn’t have happened to two nicer people, somewhere out there there are some lucky children in need of a good family. Lets hope the social services get them to you very soon!
Congratulations! Your babies are there somewhere jut waiting for you. I think you’re all in for a very nice, lovely treat of a life. Cheers!