Our gorgeous girl is 9 today.
When they say that the days are long but the years are short, they aren’t kidding. Tempus fugit indeed!
Darling girl, you are such a blessing to us all. Yes…you are strong willed, stubborn and opinionated, but in this world you will need all those strengths in spades. More important though are your kindness, wacky sense of humour, enormous heart and quick mind.
You are our little flamingo in a world of pigeons, and today we celebrate that, and you.
We love you, Button.
To the moon and stars and back…with sprinkles and icing and chocolate on top!
Oh my where are the years going? Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl K xXx
Thank you so much. The years are totally flying by. 🙁
Lovely photos! A pretty flamingo.
Thank you.
She’s mad for flamingoes at the moment.
Belated birthday greetings to your beautiful Button! Hope it was a wonderful day for you all ?
Thank you so much. We had a very lovely few days of birthday celebrations.
Oh my, hasn’t she grown since I was last here. You really do have the most beautiful daughter. I’m so glad to reconnect with you and your lovely family. x
It’s lovely to have you back.
She’s definitely sprouting…they both are. We’ll be beating the boys away with sticks before much longer. 😉
Button is such a beautiful young lady and my how she has grown. You all make a gorgeous family together. Many happy returns. Xx
Thank you….on all counts! 😀
Very belated birthday greetings to your wonderful girl. (Mine will be 34 this year and I still think of her being Buttons age!)
Thank you. I know I’ll just blink and she’ll be 34 too! With a Button of her own. Eeeeeek!