C’mon, own up!
Who did it?
Who stole the last 22 months?
‘Cos I simply can’t come up with any other reason than time theft to explain just how my gorgeous girl turned 3 this week.
On Wednesday we celebrated en famille with “chips and sauce” (tomato ketchup to the uninitiated) (I know, I know, but she’s 3 and she knows what she likes!)
Whilst the cake was greeted with dramatic squeals of joy, her gift of a very pink bicycle rendered her almost speechless and the opportunity to try it out was taken in the hallway, to her great delight.
On Saturday we donned frocks, threw open the doors and invited friends for coffee and cake (with the odd glass or 3 of wine thrown in for good measure, but obviously only for the grown ups).
I simply cannot grasp that this smart, funny, fearless little girl is the quiet and challenged girl who came to live with us nearly 2 years ago.
Every day she astonishes me with her charm, her cleverness and her ability for withering cheek!
She’s so tiny for her age but she makes up for this in spades with her personality, and I count my blessings every day that she found us and filled our lives with so much joy.
I am honoured to be her Mummy. I know Mr S is the proudest Daddy alive.
What lovely photos of the birthday girl. She really is a cutie. Did you make that gorgeous dress she’s wearing?
Time only goes faster and they never cease to amaze you, Enjoy every minute