My plan for clearing down the workroom is moving on – helped by me making donations of yarn and fabric. This has many benefits:
- I get stuff out of the workroom
- My friends get fabric or yarn that they are happy to use
- I’m paying forward my good fortune
Everyone wins. So thanks to Alice and Christian for helping a girl out.
I’ve also made a start on the sitting room curtains. Which are kinda like ironing shirts – an awful job that’s going to be a complete pain but really has to be done.
The problem with the fabric is twofold – firstly it’s very floppy and so is a complete bitch to sew as you have to chase it round the worktop and even pinning or clamping in place doesn’t have much effect. It’s very determined to make it’s escape.
Secondly, it’s patterned and there is some drift in the pattern:Here you can see it pinned to the table. The only way I know to make this work is to hand stitch each width to the next one, making the best fist of matching the pattern that I can. I did these last week and all widths are now joined. I have two curtain fronts waiting to be made up.
It wasn’t fun but the finished result is worth it. You can hardly see the drift and once the curtains are pleated it’ll be even less noticeable. Honestly.
So this weeks work is to get the interlining widths joined and lock-stitched to the face fabrics. I may be on the missing list for a few days as these are the curtain equivalent of tailoring – lots and lots of hand sewing but hopefully worth the work.
We’ll see.